Thursday, June 4, 2009

Making Up Ridiculous e-mail addresses...

Okay - at first I had no intention of creating another e-mail address. I mean, how many inboxes can one person check, really? But - I was already dilly-dallying around the Blogger site, half-toying with the idea of creating yet another Blog - don't ask me why - I know, for the most part, they are a colossal waste of time but oh-so-addictive - be that as it may (whatever that means) - here I am once again, with WHAT ARE THE ODDS as the title for this erstwhile Blog, plus a new email address of, are you ready? Yeah, oh - and would you look at that - it must be official because as soon as I typed it, it turned that pretty blue that legitimate email addresses and such turn...whoohoo.

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The Brothers Dragonosaurus (and their wizardly granny) are breathing ancient fire, fairly chomping at their paleolithic roots to hear what you have to say ...